The School believes that the only discipline of real significance is that which the individual imposes upon oneself. These rules aim to make each student aware of the value of self-control, orderliness and the need to cultivate a sense of responsibility for their own conduct and for the larger community of which they are a part.
There is an expectation on all students to accept, uphold and practice good manners and behaviour appropriate to the occasion. Staff and parents are expected to support the school in this area.
The Pupils must speak in English in school, school bus etc. and they are expected to speak with their parents in English to get familiar with the language.
All students are responsible to the school authorities viz- Principal , staff and the Management for their behavior, inside and outside the school premises.
It is essential for every student to come to school wearing the correct school uniform very neatly. Dress code policies will be handled through the Disciplinarian’s office.
Nails must be kept short and clean. Make-up of any kind, including the application of Mehendi, Lip-stick, nail-polish and other make-up related things are prohibited.