School Rules & Regulations

All students are expected to read and learn the School Rules.

The School believes that the only discipline of real significance is that which the individual imposes upon oneself. These rules aim to make each student aware of the value of self-control, orderliness and the need to cultivate a sense of responsibility for their own conduct and for the larger community of which they are a part.

There is an expectation on all students to accept, uphold and practice good manners and behaviour appropriate to the occasion. Staff and parents are expected to support the school in this area.


Speak In English

The Pupils must speak in English in school, school bus etc. and they are expected to speak with their parents in English to get familiar with the language.


Student's Behavior

All students are responsible to the school authorities viz- Principal , staff and the Management for their behavior, inside and outside the school premises.


Dress Code

It is essential for every student to come to school wearing the correct school uniform very neatly. Dress code policies will be handled through the Disciplinarian’s office.



Nails must be kept short and clean. Make-up of any kind, including the application of Mehendi, Lip-stick, nail-polish and other make-up related things are prohibited.

General Rules and regulations
  • Great stress is laid on punctuality, regular attendance and discipline, absence without prior permission on the first day of class after any vacation is considered a serious lapse.
  • Students must be in the school about ten minutes before the school session starts.
  • The school lays as much emphasis on character formation and good manners as on excellence in all school subjects, besides extra curricular and cultural activities and excellence in sports and games.
  • Pupils shall always greet teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant tone of voice.
  • Girls must have their hair plaited or tied back, if it reaches the shoulders.
  • Only white colour hair bands/ ribbons are worn.
  • Boys should get their hair cut short a little above the ear lobes and above the collar or the eyebrow.
  • Fancy hair dressing, styling and colouring is strictly prohibited.
  • Pupils must consider it their responsibility to keep the school premises clean.
  • Pupils should take special care of school property.
  • Any damage done to the school property must be compensated by the offender.

The students should know their rules
  • Be proactive in promoting and working towards making school a positive, supportive, safe and welcoming place for all students and teachers.
  • Be respectful and courteous to fellow-students’ parents, guardians and teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Be knowledgeable about discipline policies regulations and rules.
  • Follow school rules and contribute to a positive school climate by behaving appropriately even when not specifically asked to do so.
  • Make every reasonable effort to participate actively in the activities of the school.
  • Recognize how their conduct affects other students and school as a whole and make every effort to restore relationship affected by their conduct.
  • Share ideas and strategies for improving school climate and school discipline practices.
  • The rule of good behaviour applies outside as well as inside the School.
  • Social functions, involving pupils must not be organised without the Principal's approval.
  • Use of swear words and foul language, scribbling and scratching on School furniture and School walls and any misbehaviour in school buses and public places will be strictly dealt with.